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Puss PX-800 high gain C-band LNB

  • 商品编号:G5BA09D5FB92CF
  • 商品重量:400.000 克(g)
  • 货  号:G5BA09D5FB92CF
  • 市场价: ¥80.00
  • 销售价: ¥55.00
  • 节省: ¥25.00
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pAUXIS PX-800 high gain C-band lnb

A new batch of Puss PX-800 products are produced by genuine Puss (PAUXIS), specializing in exporting high-frequency amplifiers to countries such as the Middle East. Features: High gain, high-quality premium C-band high-frequency head. Use the 13/18V different voltages output by the satellite TV receiver to LNB to receive satellite TV signals with horizontal or vertical polarization waves! The appearance process is average, and after strict environmental experiments, the product has excellent performance and can work reliably in harsh environments.

In terms of workmanship: The CL222 shell needs to be finely crafted and heavier, while the PX800 is slightly inferior.

In terms of signal performance, both models performed well, with the PX800 slightly outperforming and performing exceptionally well.

Overall evaluation: The Baichang CL222 emphasizes the external aspect, while the Puss PX800, like other Puss series heads, emphasizes the internal aspect and spends all the money on the motherboard and probe. If you don't consider aesthetics, we strongly recommend everyone to buy the Puss PX800

Local frequency: 05150

Polarization: Dual polarization

Signal to noise ratio 17K

The physical image is as follows:

If you have any questions about this product, please ask and consult!


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