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Baichang KL-22M aluminum shell dual local oscillator KU band LNB 9750/10600 dual local frequency reducer receiver head

  • 商品编号:G5FC610D7CB0C8
  • 商品重量:300.000 克(g)
  • 货  号:G5FC610D7CB0C8
  • 计量单位:
  • 市场价: ¥80.00
  • 销售价: ¥40.00
  • 节省: ¥40.00
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Baichang KL-22M aluminum shell dual local oscillator KU band LNB 9750/10600 dual local frequency reducer receiver head。(2017年新款)

Detailed explanation:
The Baichang KL-22M dual local oscillator Kulnb adopts a bipolar feed integrated design, which has low noise coefficient and low phase noise, and has good reception effect for digital compressed satellite signals. Fine craftsmanship and strict environmental experiments ensure good product performance and reliable operation even in harsh environments.
Input polarity: Dual DC power supply: 10-20dcv/125mA
Output polarity: Single output impedance: 75 Ω
Noise coefficient: 0.5dB
Input frequency band: 10.70-12.75GHz
Output frequency band: 950-2150MHz
Local oscillator frequency: 0HZ=9750MHZ 22KHZ=10600MHZ
The stars that need to be received with this high-frequency head include: (excellent signal)
90.0 ° E KU Yamal 102/201
91.5 ° E KU Maxing 3/3a
95.0 ° E KU Xintian No.6
96.5 ° E KU (Russian) Express AM33
132.0 ° E KU Yue Xing 1
140.0 ° E KU (Russian) Express AM3

The physical image is as follows:

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