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PUSISAT ps-900F C-BAND dual polarization built in 5G eliminationfilter

  • 商品编号:G60A2183E90BD7
  • 商品重量:350.000 克(g)
  • 货  号:G60A2183E90BD7
  • 市场价: ¥150.00
  • 销售价: ¥85.00
  • 节省: ¥65.00
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PUSISAT ps-900F C-BAND dual polarization built in 5G eliminationfilter

PS-900F dual polarization single local oscillator, C-band frequency reducer has been highly recognized by users for its good quality, high reputation, stable performance, and affordable price for many years. Good quality and affordable, suitable for household use. Pussset is a bipolar C-band LNBF with voltage switching. By using the H/V key in the receiver remote control to change the LNB power supply voltage to 13/18V, it can receive TV signals of horizontal or parallel polarization waves.

*Technical parameters

Input frequency 3.7-4.2GHz

Output frequency 950~1750MHz

Mirror frequency suppression degree 45Db (small value)

Local oscillator frequency 5.15GHz ± 2MHz (-40 ℃~70 ℃)

Noise temperature 17K

Gain 60Db (small value)

Output voltage standing wave ratio 2.5:1 (maximum)

Output terminal connector female F-head

Cross polarization isolation degree 20dB (small value)

Power supply:

Vertical polarization DC12.0~14.5V

Horizontal polarization DC15.5-25.0V


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