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PX-2002 C-Band One cable solution 5G filter

  • 商品编号:G60ACBB3D77999
  • 商品重量:600.000 克(g)
  • 货  号:G60ACBB3D77999
  • 市场价: ¥450.00
  • 销售价: ¥220.00
  • 节省: ¥230.00
app hook
PX-2002 C-Band One cable solution 5G filter
The LNB satellite TV antenna high-frequency head, which is resistant to 5G interference, is a C-band high-frequency head with an input frequency of 3.7GHz --4.2GHz. It is equipped with an anti-interference cover and an internal amplification module. It adopts a unique circuit structure design and can effectively suppress interference signals from 5G communication base stations. It is suitable for receiving channels such as the Central Station and various provincial satellite stations on China Satellite 6B and Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV on Asia Satellite 7 in China.
The LNB of the anti 5G interference satellite TV antenna high-frequency head adopts dual local oscillator frequencies of 5150MHz and 5750MHz, with a single output interface. It outputs programs with both horizontal and vertical polarization simultaneously, with output frequencies of 950-1450MHz for horizontal polarization and 1550-2050MHz for vertical polarization.

The LNB high-frequency head of the anti 5G interference satellite antenna adopts a feed source integrated structure, with a large three circle feed source disk, suitable for satellite antennas supported by three or four feed source bars.

The LNB anti 5G interference satellite antenna high frequency head is widely used to replace the original high frequency head of satellite TV systems in hotels, hospitals, schools, and other units due to 5G communication base station interference. It can be directly replaced without debugging and has been used in multiple dealer projects with good feedback effects.

If you have any questions about this product, please ask and consult!


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