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Triangle large pot clamp, positive feedback C-pot ku clamp, large pot receiving KU clamp

  • 商品编号:G6270A1AEAB1A2
  • 商品重量:0.500 克(g)
  • 货  号:G6270A1AEAB1A2
  • 市场价: ¥30.00
  • 销售价: ¥25.00
  • 节省: ¥5.00
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Installation of KU Project for Zhong9 Large Pot High Frequency Head Forward Feed C Pot Main Coke Ku Fixture Fixation for Large Pot Main Receiving KU Triangle

Installed on the positive feedback antenna, receiving KU band signals. It is much better than a typical collector signal and is suitable for front-end engineering and audiophiles of satellite TV


Pots are divided into large pots and small pots. Pots below 1.2 meters are usually called small pots. Pots above 1.2 meters (including 1.2 meters) are called large pots. Because C pots receive signals in the ku band, most manufacturers do not have a KU receiving fixture. Therefore, purchasing this fixture can solve the problem of difficult KU signal reception in C pots!!!

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