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Ka antenna feed plate, biased single receiving feed plate


  • 商品编号:G62AD85AA51330
  • 商品重量:1000.000 克(g)
  • 货  号:G62AD85AA51330
  • 市场价: ¥4560.00
  • 销售价: ¥3800.00
  • 节省: ¥760.00
app hook

Product Name: Ka Band Coaxial Horn Feed Source

Product model: KA19TP

Product Description:

Due to the successful launch of the Zhongxing 16 high-throughput communication satellite, Ka band satellite communication has officially entered the practical stage. Ka band satellites are very suitable for bidirectional multimedia transmission services due to their wide bandwidth, low interference, and small equipment size,

We have jointly launched a Ka band coaxial slot horn feed source that can be mounted on biased antennas, guided by market demand and in cooperation with excellent high-frequency microwave experts and manufacturers at home and abroad. After practical testing, all indicators have met the design requirements.

Technical indicators:

working frequency 

Receiving frequency: 18.7-22GHz Transmission frequency: 28-30GHz

Illumination angle (half angle): 32 °

Voltage standing wave ratio: 1.3

Polarization methods: Linear polarization and circular polarization are optional

Interface: Single receiver can use Ka band coaxial slot speaker feed source equipped with Norsat brand KA high-frequency head

If you have any questions about this product, please ask and consult!


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