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Collat L-band optical transceiver rack mounted optical transmitter and receiver

Suitable for satellite light systems Good linearity and flatness Using single core single-mode fiber with high return loss Built in CWDM, using highly sensitive photodetectors 6) Connect the output end to the 5-input series satellite multiplexer switch

  • 商品编号:G63E6F188322F1
  • 商品重量:2500.000 克(g)
  • 货  号:G63E6F188322F1
  • 市场价: ¥4560.00
  • 销售价: ¥3800.00
  • 节省: ¥760.00
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Collat Carlos L-band optical transceiver rack mounted optical transmitter

L-band rack mounted optical transmitter 3800 yuan

L-band rack mounted optical receiver 2600 yuan

Suitable for satellite light systems

Good linearity and flatness
Using single core single-mode fiber with high return loss
Built in CWDM, using highly sensitive photodetectors
6) Connect the output end to the 5-input series satellite multiplexer switch
Built in optical AGC function
Red LED power indicator
Small size, easy to install

Multiple specifications and shapes, suitable for transmitting signals from various antennas such as C-wave (large aperture antenna) and KU band (large aperture antenna),. It is the lowest cost solution in today's market.

Desktop, the industry's most miniaturized exterior size.
Aluminum alloy die casting, wall mounted.
Rainproof, convenient for outdoor installation.
The optical transmitter can provide 13VDC or 18VDC to LNB.

Radio frequency switches or optical switches can be selected to achieve automatic switching between the main and backup links.
Strong resistance to electromagnetic, radio frequency, and lightning interference.
The best performance to price ratio in the industry.


Main installation matters:

1. Suitable for KU band and C-band antenna high-frequency heads,

2. Single polarization transmission, with optional output for power supply of 12V and 18V

3. Single mode optical cable is required, with a transmission distance of 1-30 kilometers (depending on the power of the transmitter)

4. The dual polarization high-frequency head requires two sets of transmitters to be transmitted separately, and one set of machines can only transmit signals of one polarization method.

5. The feed line from the high-frequency head to the transmitter is kept at around 50, and excessive length affects the power supply of the high-frequency head.

If you have any questions about this product, please ask and consult!


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